Nighthawks oil painting reproduction detail Nighthawks oil painting reproduction Nighthawks oil painting replica Nighthawks oil painting reproduction detail oil painting reproductions
Nighthawks oil painting reproduction detail Nighthawks oil painting reproduction Nighthawks oil painting replica Nighthawks oil painting reproduction detail oil painting reproductions
Nighthawks Edward Hopper reproduction, hand-painted in oil on canvas
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In 1942 Van Gogh's Cafe Terrace was exhibited in new York. It may have inspired Edward Hopper to paint his cafe scene in the same year.

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€ 550,00
€ 470,00
Price per painting rolled in protective tube
"Dag Erik, Ik wou je laten weten dat Nighthawks gisteren veilig bij me is aangekomen en ondertussen al bij de kaderwinkel is om op spieraam gespannen te worden. Het is prachtig. Ik ben er oprecht heel blij mee. Hartelijk dank voor de zeer aangename en professionele aanpak. Fijne dag, Cris"Nighthawks Edward Hopper reproduction

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