When was Van Gogh’s mother born?
Today 202 years ago in Leiden,
When van Gogh lived in Arles in 1888, far away from his mother, he received a photo from his sister Willemien in black and white and that annoyed him. He wrote to Theo:
"I’m writing to you in haste; I’m working on a portrait. That’s to say, I’m doing a portrait of our mother for myself. I can’t look at the colourless photograph, and I’m trying to do one with harmonious colour, as I see her in my memory.”
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on 10 September 1819,
Van Gogh’s mother Anna Cornelia Carbentus (1819 - 1907) was born.When van Gogh lived in Arles in 1888, far away from his mother, he received a photo from his sister Willemien in black and white and that annoyed him. He wrote to Theo:
"I’m writing to you in haste; I’m working on a portrait. That’s to say, I’m doing a portrait of our mother for myself. I can’t look at the colourless photograph, and I’m trying to do one with harmonious colour, as I see her in my memory.”
When did Van Gogh’s mother die?
Anna Cornelia Carbentus died on 29 april 1907. In her life she lost 4 sons. In 1852 she lost her first son Vincent in giving birth. She lost the the now famous painter Vincent van Gogh in 1890. Theo died half a year in 1891. And Cor died in 1900.You may also like to read:
Your daily dose of Van Gogh.
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